Friday, October 30, 2009

school projects

Last nite, Sean and I worked with the boys on their first school projects. Of course, they were both due on the same day, so we had two projects to do in one nite. But, we had a great time together.

Taison had to do a shoe box habitat. He had to pick his "favorite" habitat to learn about then create it. (didn't we all just love those projects growing up) He actually wanted to do a swamp as his habitat, but do you know how hard it is to find swamp animals in the toy section. lol.

So, he settled for an African Savannah. Sean and Taison spent time on the computer researching all about it. They came up with a plan of attack and with the help of my trusty hot glue gun and our long/dead grass in our lawn... we created the best grassland ever!

Daimon is learning about reading, and characters in books. His assignment was to choose his favorite book and dress up like the main character. Of course, the first thing he said was that Star Wars was his favorite book so that he could dress up like Darth Vador... we killed that one real quick. Thank goodness his teacher said that she didn't want to see a bunch of store bought halloween costumes. So, we settled with the book "Put me in the Zoo"
He looked great in spots. We took some felt circles i had cut out earlier that day and Daimon hot glued them all over a pair of pants and a T-shirt. Then we painted spots on his arms and face.

I think they did a great job on their first school projects... They were proud of themselves. Taison was nervous last nite about presenting his habitat and couldn't fall asleep. And they were both so excited this morning that they were up 30 mins before the alarm even went off. Sean and Taison practiced his presentation a few times, while i painted the spots.Sadly, some of the kids in the other grades made fun of him in the halls and at lunch calling him the 'spot boy'. He was very upset about that. But, his teacher told him that out of all the costumes in the class, his was the very best. Thank you Mrs. Jones! You saved Daimon's self confidence.
I hope all school projects go this smooth.


Donna said...

Those turned out really well!